Hip Hop Company Auditions - 2025/2026
Hip Hop Audition Requirements
Students must be 8 years or older by the time the school year starts to audition. All dancers will audition at the same time.
Dancers should wear the following:
Black leggings or sweatpants
A black tight-fitting top (tank, t-shirt, or long-sleeve)
Running or work-out sneakers. These must be in good shape so that they still support and protect the foot & ankle. If the shoes have been primarily used as street shoes, they MUST BE CLEANED before use at the audition.
Hair in a neat ponytail with the sides slicked back. For short hair, a half-up/half-down look or a secure headband is preferred to keep hair out of the face.
No wrist jewelry or watches, as they can easily break or become damaged.
Dancers may substitute a black leotard for the black top.
The audition will include a hip hop combination. Choreography will be learned at the audition before dancers are adjudicated in small groups.
Go back to the main audition information page to find the sign up form for all auditions.
Hip Hop Company Requirements
Hip Hop Company members must be enrolled in their weekly company class. It is required in our 2024-25 year that company members enroll in hip hop and/or jazz class to maintain technique, as this company class will predominately be used for choreographing material for the upcoming competition season.
Regular class attendance is mandatory and strictly enforced. The office should be notified via email every time a student has a conflict with class and will be absent or late.
Attire and appearance for all classes must be professional and clean.
In addition to their spring competitions, dancers are required to participate in our NorthPark Christmas performance, Teamwork Concert, and PCD Spring Recitals. All performances and competitions are mandatory.
More information about company policies will be shared in the invitation letter for Performing Company. Any questions about these policies, including tuition and fees, may be directed to the PCD office.