Our Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear PCD Families and Employees,

We are excited to begin another year of dance while committing to safety for our students and faculty! We are currently watching the case levels in Dallas closely, and will update our COVID-19 policies as we need to. Please read on for an updated list of our safety guidelines.

Safety Guidelines & Information

  • Masking is preferred for all adults and school-age dancers (attending Kindergarten and up), especially in our lobby, but it is not required for students. Dancers are required to have a mask in their dance bag, though, just in case it’s not possible to safely distance.

  • The lobby is open to students and parents, although we strongly encourage parents of dancers 5 and up to avoid the lobby during high-traffic hours (between 3:00pm and 6:00pm).

  • Please remember to socially-distance as much as possible in the lobby. This may mean standing or sitting on the floor for a short time to maintain safe distance.

  • Temperatures will be screened on a case-by-case basis if a dancer appears unwell.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available when entering and exiting our studios, as well as in each individual studio.

  • Students should bring their own water bottle, which can be refilled in our water fountains.

  • Please do not send your child to dance if they are at all ill. They are welcome to make up in another class when they are healthy again.

  • Our studio HVAC system has been equipped with an antiviral, antibacterial, antiallergen modification to reduce or eliminate airborne contaminants.

  • Faculty and staff will carefully monitor their health daily. Substitutes will be provided if a teacher is exhibiting any level of related COVID-19 symptoms so they can stay home.

If you are exposed

If you are exposed to COVID-19, we ask that you follow the CDC guidelines and stay home. If you are in close contact with another individual or live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you stay home for 10 days, as it can take at least 10 (and sometimes up to 14) days for symptoms to appear. With symptoms, you should count your 10 days from the day your symptoms begin; without symptoms, you should count your 10 days from the date of your positive test. Students should quarantine according to their school rules.

If you have second-hand exposure (that is, you were exposed to someone who was directly exposed), there is no official recommendation for how to proceed. You may dance with us at your discretion if you have experienced a second-hand exposure, but we ask that you mask diligently and closely monitor your health.

Once your quarantine is complete, please make sure that your household is COVID-free before returning to dance with us in person. It is not required to get a negative test to return, but please make sure your symptoms have been consistently declining and that anyone in your household with COVID has been fever-free for 24 hours.

In the event that you have a case of COVID-19 with severe symptoms, you may need to stay home longer than 10 days and up to 20 days. Please make sure you consult your healthcare provider for the best guidance on when it’s safe for you to return.

Please contact us at prestoncenterdance@att.net or 214-739-1737 with any questions or comments. We’re so excited to have our students in the studio again!

With love,

Janis Rosenthal, Executive Director

Megan Bates, General Manager

And all the PCD Staff and Faculty

(Updated August 10, 2022)